From the Desk of the Lowly Office Aid

May 2011
Dear Friends and Family,
It’s hard for me to believe, but this is already my fifth newsletter of the year. Before I know it, I’ll already be on my twelfth and wondering what the heck I was doing when I was not writing these oh-so sought after pages. All I can say is so long April, it was nice knowing you, and hello May! I’m sure that just when I start to like you, you’ll be running off just like all the other months before you. I guess we will all just have to enjoy her while she lasts. She does have many lovely qualities if you all didn’t know—there are her famous flowers, of course, (and let me say, I am a fan) as well as Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, as well as both my father’s and brother’s birthdays along with several of my friends’ birthdays.

            I knew spring was famous for its baby animals and all, but apparently it’s also just famous for babies because in the last two months I know of at least twelve friends and family members celebrating the day that they arrived into this world. I’m at the point where I think I may just stop buying groceries just so I can get everyone presents. Or, I can just buy groceries as usual and give them as gifts to my friends. I don’t know though, on second thought, I think they would much rather receive a gift card than a gallon of milk. We shall see what kind of mood I am in when the time comes.

So while on the topic of special occasions, I guess I will bring up the one most recently celebrated by most of us—Easter. I hope all of you had a lovely day enjoying time with friends and family and eating lots of Cadbury eggs for me. At the Ellis Household, we may have perhaps had the oddest Easter on record. We didn’t go to church, we didn’t have anybody over, we didn’t have an Easter egg hunt, and we didn’t even eat around the table together. Of course, all of this happened (or rather, didn’t happen) for good reason. It somehow turned out that come Sunday morning, three of the four members of the Ellis family ended up sick. Only Mom was spared, and ironically enough, she was the one doing all the work preparing for the day, which I am sure she would not have done if she’d known that she would be preparing for only three sick people. She knew I was sick because I had come home from L.A. with a cold given to me oh so kindly by the kiddos at work, but then Dad woke up not feeling good and Jonathan came home with a virus as his only Easter gift. If it’s any testament to how sick I was feeling that day, let’s just say that my favorite part of the Easter basket I got was a pack of travel size Kleenex that my mom got for me. There were even chocolate eggs right beside it, and I love chocolate eggs, but all I did was ogle the new tissues that I knew I would use up any day now. Yeah, it was that bad. That being said, the couch that day was both our church pew, our place at the dinner table, and our front row seats at the movie theater. Who knew a couch could serve so many purposes? All I know is that in between eating the food that mom had cooked for the family that was no longer coming since our house had become a giant virus-filled petri dish, I was like a lazy kid the weekend before finals. That is to say, I was spending way too much time on Yahoo games. That was great for a weekend and all, but yeah, I think it’s definitely time to get back to work.

Anyways, I hope your holiday was much healthier, at least, than ours. Fortunately for all of you my dear readers, I am still well enough to write this letter. Just know that it would take much more than a cold to keep me from my correspondence with all of you. However, since I rambled so much about our very interesting Easter, it looks like my page has about run its course. I wish all the mothers out there a wonderful day on Sunday the eighth. And to all the kids out there, no matter how much your mother tells you she doesn’t want anything, get her something anyways, at least a card—because, let me tell you, I forgot one of those one year, and I will never make that mistake again—so let that be a warning to you! Enjoy May while it lasts everyone!

Signing Off,

Joy Jasmine Ellis
The Lowly Office Aid

Mr. Easter Bunny says,
“The Ellis Family should be lucky I even stopped by their house this year. I cannot risk getting a cold again this month. Those baby chicks are always getting me sick!”

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